Mat Pilates is a Strengthening and Lengthening form of Exercise that focuses on your core (trunk) muscles while also training your Arms and Legs
Skills and topics that you will learn during this course include
Mat Foundations and Mat Classics
Core Integrity and Practical Application
Ergonomics and Entrepreneurship
Mat Pilates Benefits
It Blends Strength and Flexibility
It Promotes Postural Alignment
It Facilitates Mind-Body Awareness
It Supports Mental Health and Boosts Vitality
It Helps Reduce Pain
It Promotes a Healthy Lifestyle and Is Suitable for All
Pilates professionals work in common places include
Private Practice
Personal Trainer
Working with other professionals such as medical doctors, osteopaths, physiotherapists
Health Clinics, In your Own Gym
Fitness centre, spas, resorts, cruise ships, hotels
Rehabilitation centre and Hospitals
If you want to become a student member of the Sara Canadian Academy (LOCAL UNION) or more information about the programs,
please contact by email: or by calling(905)-904-2032.